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There are thousands of apparel companies around the globe, all competing to bring products to the marketplace. In order to survive they must take every opportunity to drive down their operational costs and decrease their on-hand inventories. Helping apparel companies meet these demands is one of our core competencies. Below, we have highlighted some areas where tremendous cost savings can be realized.

Planning and Forecasting

Each season manufacturers must plan for new SKUs, revisions to existing SKUs and replenishments to their core styles. All of this planning plus trying to forecast what the new season demands puts a tremendous number of variables into an industry that operates with minimal profit margins. The best way to ensure the most accurate production plan is to convert these variables into constants. Real-time visibility of all inventory, both on-hand and in transit, allows manufacturers to accurately plan and meet their demands on time and on budget while increasing their overall profitability.

Manufacturing and Distribution

Having worked with some of the biggest product-based companies in the world, Celerasys Corporation is able to offer specific knowledge and expertise to its customers regarding manufacturing and distribution efficiencies. From Manufacturing to Distribution, Order placement to Order fulfillment, executives need to know how their customer's orders are being cared for and where deadlines could be potentially missed. As more and more products are manufactured and/or assembled offshore, companies must also adapt to the international standards and languages of the local workforce providing these services. Process enhancement and efficiencies are a great way to save time and money while boosting your company's operational visibilities.

Inventory Accuracy and Controls

Celerasys has many years experience in both designing customs control systems and modifying clients' existing systems to accommodate new requirements. At any moment, our clients have millions of dollars of inventory in transit. At the same time, more goods are being produced and still others are being received. Celerasys realizes inventory must move for our product-based customers to make money.

We facilitate product flow through greater visibility at all levels of the production cycle by providing an accurate picture of a company’s financial situation at any point in time. Our industry understanding and strategic process control methodologies can establish and maintain a clear outlook on your company’s inventory at every level. Updating your inventory controls with new industry “know-how” and current methodologies will help your company drive down superfluous inventory and costs while streamlining your product pipeline.


Each time a production schedule is missed transportation is asked to make up the difference and get the order back on track. Transportation's role is to know where the product is and keep it moving. Without the proper tools, getting accurate, timely information can be next to impossible. Transportation needs visibility from the purchase / work order's creation to issuance of letters of credit; from finished goods leaving assembly to receipt, put away and all steps in between. Understanding some of these complexities, what can go wrong and what must go right, is what makes Celerasys Corporation a great fit for transportation overseers whose departments want complete visibility of their company's supply chain.
